Page 6 - MyFaith Mag April - May web 2016
P. 6


                      André & Jenny


At a young age, both André and Jenny gave their lives to the Lord Jesus, sensing His call on their lives to impact the world with the love of God
       through the Gospel.

André and Jenny met while attending Hatfield Christian Church in Pretoria, the church André’s uncle, the late Ps Ed Roebert, started. They were both
involved in the youth ministry and André served in the media department and music team as well. A little known fact is that André plays the trumpet!
He financed himself through Bible School being involved in business and commerce, where much of the commercial experience he has today was
honed. The year 1990 was significant for André as this was the time where he gave up the pursuit of a business career in favour of full time ministry.
A year later he joined a growing community church in King Williams Town in the Eastern Cape. After their wedding in March 1992 Jenny then joined
André in the Eastern Cape where they served together as Youth Pastors. Some time later they became regional Pastors and within 4 years found
themselves as assistants to the Senior Pastor and his wife. By this time the church began to explode in attendance and had a significant impact in the
town and surrounding areas.

In 1996 God started to birth in both André and Jenny a deep desire to see an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in South Africa. As a result of being signifi-
cantly impacted by the ministry of Dr Rodney Howard Browne, they formed the ministry Revival South Africa; the need to spread the fires of revival to
the small towns and villages across Southern Africa compelled them to take a team and travel extensively from town to town. The motivation behind
visiting the smaller towns of South Africa was partly spurred on by the fact that the more well known speakers and preachers tended to focus their
attention on the larger metropolitan centres, and André and Jenny felt that the more rural population were as much in need of an encounter with God
as their urbanised counterparts. Over the next two years the team of Revival South Africa saw thousands of people saved, set free from sin, and set
on fire for God. During this time, they were significantly impacted by Kenneth Copeland Ministries, through their monthly magazines and television
broadcasts, that provided a wealth of sound, Word based and faith filled teachings. Their hunger for the presence of God and His incorruptible Word
fuelled their desire to see the world touched and changed by the powerful and life-giving Gospel.

6 | APRIL / MAY 2016
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